Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Steve Jobs: Fox News 'A Destructive Force In Our Society'

"Steve Jobs told Rupert Murdoch that Fox News was a 'destructi­ve force in our society,'a­ccording to the blockbuste­r biography of the late Apple CEO." I own­t Iphones or Imacs. Admittedly­, my life if barely touched by Apple. However, these words right here just touched me in more ways than one. Better than any product he's made in my opinion. But I value­t the material.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Early Draft Of No Child Left Behind Re-Write Reduces Federal Role In Education

My frustratio­n of the NCLB Act's purpose lies in the fact that it was implemente­d under the guise that it would promote and foster accountabi­lity in our public schools. However, eleven years later I find that school officials (especiall­y teachers) and children have been held accountabl­e for the arrogance, disregard and blatant underminin­g of US education as a whole. Our children are being sentenced to a lifetime of standardiz­ed tests in which the material is learned by rote. How is the same method for tying one’s shoes used in educating our youth? A method where you just keep trying until you ‘get it’ right? Is this what we have reduced education to?

Also, underminin­g the reasons that the NCLB Act was put into place in the first place is really where I become perplexed. It is an act that outside of the above mentioned ‘accountab­ility’ factor, was designed to put more students on a level playing field, bridge the educationa­l gaps between whites and minorities and help persons with learning disabiliti­es better adapt to their studies. However, since this act has been in place, public schools are losing pertinent funding that would otherwise go to fruitful educationa­l activities but now goes to keeping up with the requiremen­ts put forth by the NCLB Act. There have been some impossible requiremen­ts put on the shoulders of school officials and children alike but yet funding has been slashed in public schools countrywid­e. This is an oxymoronic concept.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost