Thursday, December 9, 2010

House Democrats Reject Obama Tax Cut Deal In Non-Binding Vote, Demand Changes

Your argument would stand on better ground if you realized that more of American citizens fall under the $50,000 salary bracket & even more under the poverty line. You have to look to the overall social well-being of a country. The $250k people are firing people because their businesses may need tax cuts...tha­t has nothing to do with the individual level. What about the millions of people that have to forego food just to pay tax? Um...much like ME. And I am in a phd program so education or employabil­ity are NOT an issue for me. My barriers to sustainabl­e employment and making the $250k plus...are the greedy CEOs of Wall Street & other places that have gambled our money away, sent our jobs overseas & made it so that only THEY reap the awards that keeps one in the top 1%. The cut out the middle man...that would be folks like ME once again. I suffer with regressive payroll taxes...wh­ich are capped after $106,000 as of 2009. So my measly salary of $50,000 is taxed at the SAME rate as that $250K person you were referring to because they owe nothing after the first $106,000. No one takes into the account my ability to pay or suffer. I have to forego something. $250k fellow will probaly have to fire a­ain, I have to choose between food & shelter.
About Bush Tax Cuts
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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