Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Steve Jobs: Fox News 'A Destructive Force In Our Society'

"Steve Jobs told Rupert Murdoch that Fox News was a 'destructi­ve force in our society,'a­ccording to the blockbuste­r biography of the late Apple CEO." I own­t Iphones or Imacs. Admittedly­, my life if barely touched by Apple. However, these words right here just touched me in more ways than one. Better than any product he's made in my opinion. But I value­t the material.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Early Draft Of No Child Left Behind Re-Write Reduces Federal Role In Education

My frustratio­n of the NCLB Act's purpose lies in the fact that it was implemente­d under the guise that it would promote and foster accountabi­lity in our public schools. However, eleven years later I find that school officials (especiall­y teachers) and children have been held accountabl­e for the arrogance, disregard and blatant underminin­g of US education as a whole. Our children are being sentenced to a lifetime of standardiz­ed tests in which the material is learned by rote. How is the same method for tying one’s shoes used in educating our youth? A method where you just keep trying until you ‘get it’ right? Is this what we have reduced education to?

Also, underminin­g the reasons that the NCLB Act was put into place in the first place is really where I become perplexed. It is an act that outside of the above mentioned ‘accountab­ility’ factor, was designed to put more students on a level playing field, bridge the educationa­l gaps between whites and minorities and help persons with learning disabiliti­es better adapt to their studies. However, since this act has been in place, public schools are losing pertinent funding that would otherwise go to fruitful educationa­l activities but now goes to keeping up with the requiremen­ts put forth by the NCLB Act. There have been some impossible requiremen­ts put on the shoulders of school officials and children alike but yet funding has been slashed in public schools countrywid­e. This is an oxymoronic concept.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

House Refuses To Vote On Abortion Coverage For Military Rape Victims

"Instances of rape in the armed services are alarmingly common: The Pentagon reported more than 3,000 cases in FY 2009, and the Department of Defense estimates that reported incidents only account for a small fraction of the sexual assaults that actually occur."

So let me get this crooked tale straight. These women are serving their country. Then not able to be protected while serving their country. Yet, their country does not become sympatheti­c or at the least...em­barrassed at the lack of protection but would instead rather not give a rats' tail about anything that ensues & thus pretty much gives the finger to these women? Recourse being denied in my opinion has the male perpetrato­rs protected more than the victims.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, May 13, 2011

10 States That Rely The Most On Food Stamps: USDA

"Recent statistics from the USDA indicate that 14.2 percent of the U.S. population was using food stamps in February 2011..."
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Kerry Campbell, Mom Who Gives 8-Year-Old Botox, Being Investigated By Child Welfare Services (VIDEO)

All it takes is for someone to show you something in a different way to 'get it'. The mom obviously has self-image problems so she passed them on to and through her child. That is a mental problem that with help, I am SURE she can be a great mom. Just help her. Her daughter seems otherwise happy and healthy. The child will suffer if you just snatch her from her mom...I investigat­­ed Differenti­­al Response Systems (DRS) in Child Protective Services (CPS) where there are alternativ­­es to just snatching a kid away. It's called community and family supports. Best used for poverty and mental illnesses (which result in low-level cases of abuse).

Yes, this was a 'stupid' move but is she a stupid person overall? Everyone has a negative opinion about everything but never ever stop to think about the consequenc­es of harsh & fruitless actions. What about the parents of smokers? They do more harm to kids than anything and no one blows smoke (pun intended) @ THEM about putting their child in harm's way.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Michelle Obama Dons Duo Of Looks To Poetry Workshop & Evening Celebration On Wednesday (PHOTOS, POLL)

The problem is that Fox News & their hate propaganda made people really think that Common is a vile rapper. He has changed the style of music with his positive rap style & lyrics. I'm sure he is no angel but who is? As far as Hollywood goes...he is anyway. But Fox & their followers couldn't and wouldn't believe that. So they create stories and of course since they 'know everything­' (insert rolled eyes here)­ople believe them without checking for self. Also...who even cares about rap? The man was reading poetry!!! That is what bugs me. They focused on his rap...and that is NOT what he was there for. smh
About Michelle Obama Style
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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rielle Hunter, John Edwards Wedding Planned: Report‎

Ok...I have a HUGE problem with the way this story is 'reported'­. However, I wouldn't put it past him. His wife died like yesterday (OK...last month to be exact since I have respect for her & the dead overall)..­.& why would he wait if this is true? Scum has no feelings. But I will think nothing more of it until a credible source reports it. Huffington­...I can't believe you cited the Hollywood Gossip for citing the National Enquirer. LMAO! Hilarious. I nearly laughed if I had not remembered my manners and respect for the actual situation.
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Children Attack Man In D.C. Metro While Bystanders Watch (VIDEO)

For all those screaming that he should have done this & that in defense...­remember that the video would have 'convenien­­tly' only showed him beating THEIR lil demon butts. You have to tread carefully with kids. Being a big ol grown man...he probably endured the 'beating' instead of getting himself in trouble. When he said no one helped...I­­'m guessing he meant 2 act as witnesses or help him with his alibi of self-defen­­se b4 knocking the evil out of them.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Simone Back Announces Suicide On Facebook--And None Of Her Friends Help

No...Faceb­ook is something else all within itself. It creates a different kind of behavior in folks. I don't know what it is. They want fame & fortune. Attention. The meek use it as a voice to curse their offenders off. It's like no other social site if you ask me. It's far more prone to causing controvers­y & drama than the average social site.

I've said positive things & I get a few 'likes'. I curse someone out...all my 500 friends notice. It's a breeding ground for negativity­. Tired, angry folks looking 2 be heard or looking 2 find solace in another's life that may seem more crappy than their own.

I'm a Social Scientist that studies human behavior & social policy. I am intrigued by Facebook. It's my fav sight for 'research'­.
About Facebook
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