Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rielle Hunter, John Edwards Wedding Planned: Report‎

Ok...I have a HUGE problem with the way this story is 'reported'­. However, I wouldn't put it past him. His wife died like yesterday (OK...last month to be exact since I have respect for her & the dead overall)..­.& why would he wait if this is true? Scum has no feelings. But I will think nothing more of it until a credible source reports it. Huffington­...I can't believe you cited the Hollywood Gossip for citing the National Enquirer. LMAO! Hilarious. I nearly laughed if I had not remembered my manners and respect for the actual situation.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Children Attack Man In D.C. Metro While Bystanders Watch (VIDEO)

For all those screaming that he should have done this & that in defense...­remember that the video would have 'convenien­­tly' only showed him beating THEIR lil demon butts. You have to tread carefully with kids. Being a big ol grown man...he probably endured the 'beating' instead of getting himself in trouble. When he said no one helped...I­­'m guessing he meant 2 act as witnesses or help him with his alibi of self-defen­­se b4 knocking the evil out of them.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Simone Back Announces Suicide On Facebook--And None Of Her Friends Help

No...Faceb­ook is something else all within itself. It creates a different kind of behavior in folks. I don't know what it is. They want fame & fortune. Attention. The meek use it as a voice to curse their offenders off. It's like no other social site if you ask me. It's far more prone to causing controvers­y & drama than the average social site.

I've said positive things & I get a few 'likes'. I curse someone out...all my 500 friends notice. It's a breeding ground for negativity­. Tired, angry folks looking 2 be heard or looking 2 find solace in another's life that may seem more crappy than their own.

I'm a Social Scientist that studies human behavior & social policy. I am intrigued by Facebook. It's my fav sight for 'research'­.
About Facebook
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost