Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Stuart Chaifetz, Father, Puts Wire On Son With Autism, Records Verbal Abuse From Teachers (VIDEO)

I am going to answer this from a different lens...a parent would be charged with child abuse and Child Protective Services would be brought in had a child told maybe a teacher that he/she was being verbally abused at home. We are talking repercussions limited to that child...or ALL children of the parents being cited. A teacher is exposed to MANY children. So if we can penalize a parent and hold them accountable for the well-being of their own children...you damn RIGHT they better get on that teacher. There exists WAY too many great teachers looking for jobs for that teacher to be still in place. This should not be a question. Especially since you have provided proof w/o doubt. And ESPECIALLY since she is dealing with a vulnerable population of children. How DARE she exacerbate the difficulties that he must already experience in life. My only concern now is that the well being of children trumps her privacy rights (she wasn't aware of being taped).
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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